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  • FAQ

    Here is a list of common questions you may have. If you have further questions, please Contact Us.

    • How do I register my child?

    • All GEYF Football participants must go through the Team Tryout Process before they are eligible to register for a team. Once a child has been selected to a team, he or she will be directed as to when, where, and how to complete the Registration Process.

    • Is there a fee for my child to “Tryout”?

    • NO; unlike other youth leagues, you will never be charged a fee to “Tryout” for a Golden Empire Team. Only when your child has been selected to a team will you be asked to pay a Participant Registration Fee, and Registration will be conducted on a subsequent later date.

    • When do “Team Try Outs” start and how long do they last?

    • Teams are eligible to start “Tryouts” as early as March 1st of each season and the length of duration for each tryout can vary based on the number of participants trying out for each team and or division. By League Rule, teams are limited to no more than three (3) “tryout” Sessions in a seven (7) day period not to exceed two (2) hours in length, so as a parent you should prepare for a two (2) to three (3) week period on average.

    • How do I know what GEYF Team to tryout For?

      • Golden Empire Youth Football & Cheer is a Feeder Program for the majority of high schools in the Kern County Area. As a youth feeder program we utilize Kern High School District Residential Boundaries as well as subsequent appropriate high school boundaries for our outlying programs such as Taft, Wasco, or Shafter.
      • Feeder programs for private high schools utilize non boundary specific criteria; please contact those areas directly for eligibility requirements.
      • As a GEYF Participant, you will be required to both Try Out and or play in the district you reside in. If you reside in an area that does not have a GEYF Feeder Program you can contact the league office for assistance.
    • What should I expect at “Team Try Outs”?

    • Upon arriving at “Team tryouts” you will be asked to sign a Participant Wavier Release and contact form authorizing your child to participate in “Team tryouts”. Participants are required to present Official Birth Certificates at time of time of tryouts.  Participants will then warm up and subsequently engage in a series of football drills and sessions where they will be evaluated on the following criteria:

      a. Team and position need
      b. Participant ability & performance
      c. Participant effort & desire
      d. Participant attitude, conduct, and participation

      Although final player selection will be at the sole discretion of each team’s head coach, every participant will be evaluated equitably utilizing the above referenced criteria.

    • Are Cheerleaders required to go through the GEYF “Tryout” Process?

    • NO; unlike the GEYF Football Program, Golden Empire Youth Cheer is a “a sideline cheer program” and any participant meeting appropriate age only requirements is free to immediately register for each GEYC Squad. (Contact League Office for details). GEYF Boundary Requirements also apply to cheerleaders.  

    • What if my child does not make a team?

    • If your child is not selected to a GEYF Team during the initial “Tryout” Process, he or she will be issued a formal written release allowing that participant to play out of his or her geographical area for a period of one (1) year. This means your child will be free to compete for a roster spot on any other GEYF Team for that season. At the end of that season, each participant will be required to return to his or her original area for future consideration.

    • How old does my child have to be to cheer or play football for Golden Empire?

    • 6 to 14 years old to play in GEYF.  Your child must turn 6 years old prior to November 15. If applicable, refer to the GEYF Bracketing Table (Weight Chart) posted on our website.

      Bracketing Table

    • How much does it cost for my child to play football or cheer for Golden Empire?

    • Registration Fees vary from program to program so please review each programs website or contact their program directly for cost.

    • What do I need to bring to Registration?

    • Participants need to bring an original stamped official County or State Birth Certificate as well as two (2) copies of that birth certificate.

      **The original birth certificate will be inspected by a league official and returned back to that parent after being briefly reviewed. The (2) birth certificate copies will be retained by the league and kept on file for the season.

      Participant will also need to bring proof of residency via a current utility statement in parent or guardians name corresponding to appropriate registered address.

      Parent will also bring a current mortgage statement and or rental agreement as well as a current report card.

      Parent will pay registration fee that day by means of check, cash, money order, or Visa/Master Card. Football Participant must be present at time of Registration to  certify. Cheer Participants are required to be present at time of Registration to certify.

    • I provided the league with an official Birth Certificate last season; do I need to bring one this year?

    • YES; To ensure integrity guidelines are met, Golden Empire starts the Registration Process new every season and parents are required to bring in an Original Birth Certificate each season.

    • Is my child required to have a sports physical to participate with Golden Empire?

    • YES; all youth football and cheer participants are required to present the league with a copy of recently completed sports physical. Youth football participants are required to submit a copy of recently completed sports physical prior to being issued equipment in early July of each season. 

      Youth cheer participants are also required to submit a recently completed sports physical by early July of each season. Although highly recommended, sports physicals are not required at time of try out. Please Note* Golden Empire’s Football Camp held in mid June is a great place to get your required sports physical.

    • When does the actual season start?

    • GEYF’S Football season runs from early September through mid November of each year with games being played on Saturdays through out Kern County.

    • Can my child wear his own equipment? (Dependent Areas)

    • NO; for insurance liability and safety purposes, Golden Empire Participants must wear league issued equipment that is properly fitted by our staff. It is vital that we know that all equipment issued and worn is safe and certified.

    • Is Golden Empire a nonprofit organization?

    • YES; Golden Empire is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Charitable Organization and all donations and sponsorship are tax deductible.

    • How are my League Registration and Gate Fees utilized?

    • Golden Empire Registration and Gate Fees go to cover the cost of the following:

      • Liability and Medical Insurance for each participant.
      • Equipment/Apparel purchase and maintenance.
      • Equipment storage.
      • Field Cost.
      • Day to day operations cost

      As a transparent nonprofit organization all proceeds and their usage can be viewed on an annual basis via state or federal websites or Guidestar.com. Golden Empire’s annual 990’s are available on those sites for viewing

    • What do I get for my registration fee?

    • Although Registration Fees and what is issued for that fee can vary from
      program to program, here is what you will receive if registering for the following
      GEYF Football Programs.

      Central        Ravens
      Freedom     Southwest
      Cardinals    Titans
      Knights       Wolverines
      Rockets       Bullpups
      Sabers         Pride

      • Rental of the following equipment.
      • Helmet and mouth piece
      • Shoulder Pads
      • Practice pants – Game pants
      • D Ring Belt
      • Custom Game Jersey valued at $ 60.00 to keep at end of season

      Additional Items
      • Participant Insurance
      • Constant instruction
      • Up to a (10) week season

    • What do I do if my child is injured? Does GEYF have insurance?

    • Yes; Golden Empire does have Accidental Medical Coverage on all its
      registered participants. Golden Empire’s coverage is set on a two (2) tier basis
      with a $ 250.00 deductible per claim. Please contact the league office for more
      eligibility details and assistance in filing a claim if needed.

      In the event of an injury, immediately notify your coach and if
      warranted seek appropriate medical attention. Your child’s head coach will
      collect information regarding the injury and will submit a “GEYF Incident
      Report” to the league office within a twenty-four-hour period, immediately in
      the case of a catastrophic injury. That information will be kept on file until
      needed in the event of a warranted claim.

    • How is Golden Empire Structured?

    • Golden Empire is comprised of seventeen (17) geographical chapters referred to as
      GEYF Areas.

      Thirteen (13) of the chapters are  “Dependent Programs”.The following GEYF Areas are Dependent Programs under the direct control of the league office in terms of outfitting and financial obligation.

      Central      Ravens
      Freedom   Southwest
      Cardinals  Titans
      Knights     Wolverines
      Rockets     Bullpups
      Sabers       Pride    Warriors

      GEYF is also comprised of four (4) Independent Chapters who are members of
      the program and participate within the organization. These four (4)
      Independent chapters have their own board of directors and are responsible
      for outfitting their own teams and collecting their own registration. These eight
      chapters also function as separate nonprofit entities. The following GEYF Areas are Independent Programs.






    • Who is on the Golden Empire Board of Directors?

    • The Golden Empire Board of Directors is comprised of the following


      GEYF Executive Board

      League Commissioner                          League Treasurer
      Executive Secretary                              Athletic Director
      Western Area Representative            – Supervisor
      Eastern Area Representative            – Supervisor


      GEYF General Board

      Area Representatives                            Northern Cheer Director
      Southern Cheer                                      Director Multiple Coach @ Large Positions
      Player Safety Director                           Non- Board – Executive Director